Friday, September 16, 2011

All over the place!

My computer's power cord broke.  After two weeks of using my husband's computer I'm still not used to it.  I'm always typing "itæs" instead of "it's" thanks to three new letters of the alphabet.  Ja ja, a new cord is in the mail and then I can check all of my favorite bookmarks and not have to sign out of my email anymore.

I also started a norskkurs yesterday!  It's only once a week for an hour and a half but itæs it's free aside from purchasing the workbook. (I found the book as a free pdf online a while back.  I told the teacher it was a photocopy, hee hee!)  We're going through very simple basics that I already know most of but I still learned a bit and the practice is wonderful.

Today, my husband left his lunch at home so I took the t-bane to his workplace to make sure he gets fed.  I walked the long way home by stopping through the bookfestival on Karl Johan (it wasn't quite open at 10) and then noticed a farmer's market near Aker Brygge.  If only payday had been yesterday, I would have stocked up on homemade meats and cheeses and juices.  When I lived in New York, I would have to walk through the Union Square Greenmarket to get to work and it turned me into someone who can't ever pass up a farmer's market without at least walking through.

I think it's time to get some homework done (YAY!)