Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Generic update

I had written a long post about the attacks in Norway but I've decided that the best way to honor the memory of those we have lost is to keep living and be thankful for what we have.

I walked downtown to Clas Ohlson to buy a rolling pin.  I've been improvising with a can of copped tomatoes and an old .5L Solo bottle.  It's quite the workout, ladies.  GOODNESS.

Oslo is covered in flowers.  It's already quite a green city but now it is like walking through a rose garden with little shopped hidden among the petals.  Absolutely lovely.

I think it's now time for another Finishing School!

B is for Bras - Did this one a bit ago.  I love the bras at Lane Bryant (for rounder ladies only) but I've also had really good luck at Target and H&M.

C is for Clothes - Also did that one just before I moved here.  I donated quite a lot of stuff to the best thrift store in North County San Diego and I'm pretty happy with my wardrobe.  It's more "vintage inspired" than reproduction or actual vintage but that is was little to no clothing budget for many years will get you.  I hope my residence permit is processed soon so I can start buying vintage/reproduction dresses!

D is for Dream - My biggest dream right now is to go back to school.  I have a BA from Michigan State University in social science so it's not very useful in Europe.  I'm extremely interested in University of Oslo's program in Cultural Heritage Preservation.  It's a wonderful blend of social science, art history, museum management, and chemistry.  I'll have to be absolutely fluent in Norwegian before I can start but I'm sure I'll manage!
One of my other dreams is to visit all 50 US States.  I'm at 39 - 11 more to go!  This might be pretty hard to accomplish, since my husband has absolutely no interest in visiting remote states but I'm still going to try.  I also want to cross the equator and circumnavigate the globe, which should be completed in a few years when we go to Japan.

Time to start making a bacon and zucchini pizza!  OH YES


  1. Answer:

    Hello, it's so nice to hear from you and thank you for the answers! No reason to feel strange! :) Wow, you have lived so many places! Welcome to Oslo and Norway! Do you like it here? I love your answers, but mostly your answer on question no 3. Good memories are important! I have to admit that I haven't seen Head of State or read any of the books, but I know I should read some Murakami books. I will deffinetly check those books out, because I'm always looking for more books to read. Oh, and I'm deffinetly taking a look at your blog :)

  2. Thanks! I really like Oslo! I think I'll like it even more once I'm working/in school so I have something to do with my days. Until then, there's a lot of walking around and visiting museums.
    Head of State is a pretty goofy Chris Rock movie where he becomes president of the US. It has a good balance of smart and simple humor and I like to turn my brain off and just laugh sometimes. Murakami is a great storyteller. "Norwegian Wood" or "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle" are great too. I'd let you borrow my copies but I couldn't fit them in my suitcase when I moved here :(
    Thanks for checking out my blog. I don't update it very often and it's not very good but I'll try to make it interesting!

  3. Yeah, I get that. I like the summer holiday because I can read as many books I want and get time to do what I really want, but I still like the feeling of really doing something important when school starts. Are you starting school this fall, or have you found a job yet? Sometimes you just need movies or series like that! Oh, and I do thinkg your blog is interesting :)

  4. No job or school yet. I'm still waiting for my residence permit to be processed and then I can take Norwegian classes. They said only another week or two so I am keeping my fingers crossed until then. I would love to go back to school and kind of redeem myself. I got a bachelor's degree in the US but I didn't make an effort to do well or actually learn anything. I'm really interested in UiO's "kulturarv og bevaringskunnskap" program but I'm not sure I'll qualify. What are you studying in school?

  5. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! "Kulturarv og bevaringskunnskap" sounds really interesting :) There are so many fun subjects to study. Right now I'm taking a bacheor's degree in Literature, but in that degree I'm taking English as a support subject (40 points) and I have taken other subjects like "Celtic Civilization" and "Belief in witchcraft and witches in Europe" (you can take 40 points in any subject you like in your degree) :)

    Yes, both book prices and magazine prices are ridiculous here. I order most of my books (even school books) on the net. I can reccommend "Bookdepository" :) Luckily there is no custom on books here.

  6. Thanks! I should have known it was literature, it's a perfect fit for you! Those classes sound very interesting. I'm fascinated by groups of religious women, especially witches/wiccans and nuns (I'm a bit of a Catholic, but very liberal about it.) I'm debating between taking art history as my support subject, since it's incredibly practical for museum work, or taking French. I almost majored in French when I went to college before and I love how snobby yet goofy French language and culture are. I really should talk to someone at the university.
    On a non-academic note, do you have any recommendations for getting involved in the vintage scene here? I haven't seen many on the streets so I'm assuming they're all hidden together in some amazing corner of the city I haven't found :)
